Tammy leads with balance.

She makes thoughtful decisions for today and tomorrow. Tammy has been endorsed by the Scottsdale Police, the  Firefighters, and the Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors. She’s supported by over 400 unique donors from every walk of life and every industry. 99% of Tammy’s donors live, work or have family in Scottsdale.

  • Increased job creation by 10% across diverse industries.

  • Kept our budget in the black while dealing with a global pandemic and record high inflation. 

  • Protected our neighborhoods with new ordinance and oversight for controlling short term rentals.

  • Improved downtown parking, improved traffic safety, and bulked up our streets with over 70 new lane miles of roadway.

  • Fully funded Public Safety and paid down our pension liability.

  • Brought Tourism back to pre-pandemic levels.

  • Helped pass a new voter-approved 10-year General Plan. 

  • Unanimously Passed an ADO, which is good for business, good for tourism, and good for our city.

  • Decreased water use through technology and conservation efforts.

  • I’ve approved only 1 handful of the highest quality development projects, and only those with meaningful community benefits such as workforce housing for teachers and first responders.

  • I’ve stood up from Day 1 for our kids' education - I was a founding member of our Council’s education subcommittee and wrote a standalone education element in our General Plan. All our residents, including our kids and working parents, deserve the best possible Scottsdale. 



I’m serving to make Scottsdale even better for my daughters than its been for me.

Successful cities do NOT stagnate.


I began my first term on the Scottsdale City Council in January 2021 and am currently seeking a second term. I have lived and worked in Scottsdale for almost 25 years, and am the president and owner of Yale Electric West, Inc, a Scottsdale company.  I’ve been married for over 20 years and have 3 daughters who attend our local schools. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Wellesley College in Wellesley, and a Master’s in Business Administration from Simmons University in Boston, MA. I am passionate about keeping Scottsdale the Gold Standard of the Valley, and am always running!